Apps Information

Accessing apps and communication between apps

In this tutorial we will give some important information about apps in general, such as file locations and how the various applications communicate with each other. For information about individual apps, we refer to the apps themselves.

Accessing your media

Below we will explain how to access your media in streamers (Plex, Emby), downloaders (Deluge, Usenet) or catalogue apps (Sonarr, Radarr).

Plex, Emby, Jellyfin media folder

In all your streaming applications (currently Plex, Emby and Jellyfin), your movies, tv shows and other media content can be found in /Media.

The screenshot displayed here shows the settings for Plex, but it will work the same in Emby, Jellyfin or potential future streamers.

Tip: If you don’t see your movies and TV shows, make sure that you have selected the correct Media folder in your settings. To double check, type setup-media, then select the correct folder where your media is stored and restart Omni.

Torrent/Usenet download folder

For any of your download applications (Deluge, NZBget, SABnzbd), make sure that you set the download location to /cloud/Downloads/… (then add your own personal preferences, or use the app defaults).

  • Pro tip: I prefer to add the name of the downloader app in the path, so that there is no potential overlap in case two apps use the same name folder names.

Radarr/Sonarr root folder

The root folder in the various catalogue apps depends on what you named your media folder in your cloud service. For example if you named yours Content, then you can find your files in /cloud/Content/…

In the Sonarr example displayed here, I named my media folder in my cloud service “Media” and my TV collection folder “TV Shows”. So in this case, the root folder is /cloud/Media/TV Shows.

How apps communicate with each other

You can link Sonarr, Radarr, Deluge, SABnzbd etc together by referring to their individual host names in the containers and the default port number.

For example, in order for Radarr or Sonarr to talk to Deluge, you will need to provide the Deluge host as deluge, the port number as 8112 and leave Use SSL unchecked.

That way every application can communicate with each other - all you need to know is the host name that the app uses, plus the internal port.

Deluge port information

If you experience slow speeds, make sure you open the correct port in the Network settings.

Both the incoming port and outgoing ports should all point to 55956.

Any questions?

Feel free to open a support request on GitHub!