Omni Commands

Glossary of Omni commands and shortcuts

Although OmniStream is almost completely menu driven, advanced users would probably prefer to just type in the command. Here is a list of shortcuts and commands.

Omni menu commands

You can reach all of these commands by through the omni menu and selecting the various options.

This tutorial gives you a breakdown of the individual commands and what they do.

  • Pro tip: any time you see a text in blue (e.g. "omni update"), you can directly type the command instead of going through the menu.

1. Omni control

The first menu (omni control) offers the following options:

omni up

Start Omni including DNS check (if enabled). If containers were added (o+) then they will be included in the start-up. Existing containers will remain untouched. If containers were removed (o-) they will be shutdown so that the running configuration matches your currently-enabled preferences.

omni down

Shuts down Omni and removes DNS entries (if enabled). This shuts down everything even if it has since been removed from the configuration (o-) but is still running.

omni restart

Restarts all Omni components but does NOT regenerate the list of containers. In other words, whatever is running is restarted, even if you have since added or removed anything with o+ and o-.

omni components

Here you can quickly select which components you would like to add or remove.

Important: pick any combination of apps you want, but make sure you don’t activate duplicate versions, such as Traefik and the Traefik CloudFlare version, or Plex and the Plex hardware version, etc.

  • Pro tip: To add or remove containers even faster, you can even use the following options:

o+ <container #>

This will add a container quickly. If you know the container number, you can type that after the space. Or you can type “o+ <tab> tab>” to list everything. You can even add multiple containers at once such as:

o+ 002-traefik-cf.yaml 003-omnimount.yaml 011-watchtower.yaml 012-autoheal.yaml 401-portainer.yaml 402-netdata.yaml 405-speed.yaml

Since you can’t possibly remember all the numbers, you can just do o+ <tab><tab> then 002-<tab> 003<tab> 011<tab> etc.

o- <container #>

This will remove an installed container quickly. It will autocomplete, so if you type “o- <tab> <tab>” for example, you’ll see the containers that are loaded so you can turn off those you want to disable.

omni update

Updates the running environment with the latest component choices (from o+ and o-) but does NOT check DNS. It also updates any containers that are included in the current configuration if there is a newer version online (Eg, if a new Plex was just published, then this will install the latest Plex but leave other containers untouched). If a container has dependencies (eg, OmniMount or Traefik) then those dependencies will also be restarted only if the master one is updated.

omni repair (or omni refresh)

Force download the latest version overwriting any local changes made.


Although Turbosync is part of the cron that runs every 15 minutes, if you’re in real pinch you can also trigger the uploads manually by using this command.

2. Omni utilities

The second menu (omni utilities) offers the following options:

omni status

Shows a quick one-time view of what’s running and their current status.

omni stats

Shows live stats of memory, IO, CPU, etc. Control-C to exit.

omni dns

Creates a DNS report to show what A records need to be added to the registrar (if not using automatic registration).


An automatic backup is added to the cron to run each morning at 4:10am, by default. You can however trigger it manually by this command.


Used to to restore your server or one container.


Runs updates for your operating system to keep all non-Omni related apps and installation files up to date.


Statistics to view the queue of files scheduled to be uploaded to your cloud service.


Provides detailed information about your Plex library.

3. Setups menu

The third menu (setups menu) offers the following options:

(coming soon)

Additional options

These options can't be found in the menu, but can be used by directly typing the commands.

Omni quick commands

The following commands are not part of the omni menu, but might make your life easier:

omni apps

Change directory to the enabled components from wherever you are.

omni bin

Change directory to the /bin inside Omni.

omni clean

Shuts down OmniStream via “omni down” plus removes all of Docker’s cache of containers. The next startup will redownload everything that is enabled. Good for forcing a refresh of the system without going all the way back to reinstallation from scratch.

omni configs

Change directory to the /Configs from wherever you are.

omni logs

Shows all of Omni’s logs for the running containers. Logs are shown in realtime and flagged by their container so if Radarr sends a rescan command to Plex, you’ll see it first in Radarr and then in Plex sequentially. Alternatively, you can specify which containers you want to watch. “omni logs radarr plex” will JUST track those logs and ignore those coming in from Sonarr, etc.

omni version

Shows the version of the installed software and how long ago it was updated.

Quick navigation

cd $D

Will navigate to ~/OmniStream/mnt/cloud/Downloads

omni home

Will navigate to ~/OmniStream and list the folders/files

omni configs

Will navigate to ~/OmniStream/configs and list the directories (containers)


Will navigate to ~/OmniStream/mnt/cloud/<yourmediafolder>/Movies


Will navigate to ~/OmniStream/mnt/cloud/<yourmediafolder>/TV Shows

Omni shortcut command


Edit variables such as container names


Updates Docker Compose to the latest version

ut (containername)

Gives the runtime stats of any given container.

For example:

ut plex

Displays runtime information about the Plex container.

Any questions?

Feel free to open a support request on GitHub!